Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Brochures and Videos


These brochures and videos do not constitute legal advice and the DC Courts does not endorse or assume any responsibility for their contents.

Decedent's Estates - Brochures

"Getting Started" – Inventory Preparation Seminar Download
After Death - A Guide to Probate in the District of Columbia Download
Filing for the Administration of a Small Estate (valued at $40,000 or less) Download
Patrimonio de Menor Cuantia Download
Filing For The Administration Of The Decedent's Estate. Download
Administracion de Patrimonio de un Difunto Download
Re-opening a Decedent's Estate in the District of Columbia Download
Standard Probate Proceedings Booklet Download
Procesos de Validacion Estandar Download
When Someone Dies/Personal Affairs Record Books - prepared by the Council for Court Excellence Download

Decedent's Estates - Videos

Accounting and Inventory - Presented by K. Vitale Download
I want to get paid - Petition for compensation for attorneys, Presented by K. Edley Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download

Guardianships and Conservatorships for Incapacitated Adults - Brochures

Making a complaint in an Adult Guardianship Proceeding Download
Proceso de Tutela de Adulto Download
Filing a Complaint Against a Guardian or Conservator Download
Safety Planning for Guardians Download
"Getting Started" – Inventory Preparation Seminar Download
Filing for Guardianship/Conservatorship of an Adult in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download
Presentacion de Peticio de Tutela o Curatela Download
Inventory and Accounting Guide Download
Now That You’re a Conservator: General information and Forms for a Conservator of an Adult Ward Download
Now That You’re a Guardian: General Information and Forms for a Guardian of an Adult Ward Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download
Now That You’re a Guardian: General Information and Forms for a Guardian of an Adult Ward Download
The 2010 Guardianship Conference entitled "Making End-of-Life and Medical Decisions for Your Ward: Legal and Bioethical Considerations." (End of Life DCSC) Download

Guardianships and Conservatorships for Incapacitated Adults - Videos

Creating Prepaid Funeral Accounts - Presented by Archie Palmore, Esq.
- Attorney at Law and Richard McPayten - Director of Pre-Need, Marshall Funeral Home
Disability Services Reform Amendment Act of 2018 training video Download
Guardianships and Conservatorships for Incapacitated Adults Download
I want to get paid - Petition for compensation for attorneys, Presented by K. Edley Download
Instructions from the Court for a Newly Appointed Guardian Download
Instructions from the Court: Appointment as a Guardian and Conservator for an
Incapacitated Person
Keeping Wards in the Community - Understanding Home and Community Based Waivers Download
Making Health Care Decisions - Using the "New" Substituted Consent Standard Download
Managing Real Property - Presented by M. Griffin Download
Petition Post Appointments: Bringing Issues to the Court’s Attention Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download
Resident Rights and Transfer Protection for Nursing Home Residents Download
The Hospital Experience: Getting Better Information and Assistance Download
When Your Ward Dies Download

Guardianships of Estates of Minors - Brochures

"Getting Started" – Inventory Preparation Seminar Download
Filing for the Guardianship of the Estate of a Minor Download
Proceso de Tutela del Patrimonio de un Menor Download
Inventory and Accounting Guide Download
Now That You Are Guardian Of The Estate Of Minor (GDN) Download
Tutor del Patrimonio de un Menor Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download

Guardianships of Estates of Minors - Videos

Accounting and Inventory - Presented by K. Vitale Download
I want to get paid - Petition for compensation for attorneys, Presented by K. Edley Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download

Elder Mediation Program - Brochure

Elder Mediation Program Brochure Download
Programa de Mediacion para Personas Mayores Download

Trusts - Brochures

"Getting Started" – Inventory Preparation Seminar Download
Inventory and Accounting Guide Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download

Trusts - Videos

Accounting and Inventory - Presented by K. Vitale Download
I want to get paid - Petition for compensation for attorneys, Presented by K. Edley Download
Managing Real Property - Presented by M. Griffin Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download

Foreign Estates - Brochures

Filing for a Foreign Estate proceeding in the District of Columbia Download
Filing for a Foreign Estate proceeding in the District of Columbia-Spanish Download
Inventory and Accounting Guide Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download

Foreign Estates - Videos

I want to get paid - Petition for compensation for attorneys, Presented by K. Edley Download
Record Keeping and Filing Duties in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Download

Wills - Brochures

Decedent’s Will - Brochure Filing a Will in the District of Columbia Download
Presentacion de Testamento en DC Download