Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Safety & Security

In the event evacuation of the building is necessary, the fire alarm, public address system and bull horns will be used to inform Court occupants. Evacuation of physically challenged jurors will be given the highest priority in all emergencies. These jurors will be taken to the main elevator banks on their floors by designated monitors. They will remain in this area until further instructions are provided by an Emergency Coordinator or designee.

Jurors waiting in the Jurors’ Lounge, the Jurors’ Business Center, and in the surrounding area will be directed by designated Stairway Monitors (orange vests) to assigned stairways leading out of the building. These jurors should report back to the Jurors’ Lounge when advised by Court Security Officers that it is safe to re-enter the building.

Jurors in courtrooms will be directed as to what they should do by the courtroom staff. If they are not provided with specific reporting instructions at the time of the evacuation, they should return to their assigned courtroom when it is safe to re-enter the building.

To determine if the Court is open on the next business day, please visit the homepage of the DC Courts’ website at:, call 879-4604 after 6:00am, or check the listings on the local television and radio stations. To view a current list of courtrooms, visit the Daily Courtroom Assignment List. If you do not have access to a computer, you may speak to or leave a message with a staff person in the Jurors' Office by calling (202) 879-4604.