Seals of the Court of Appeals and Superior Court
District of Columbia Courts

Accommodations & Amenities

The Jurors' Office, in conjunction with DC Courts' Child Care Center, provides child care services for jurors while they are serving jury duty. A lactation room is available for nursing mothers.

Also, in conjunction with the Office of Court Interpreting Services and the Court Reporting and Recording Division, sign language interpreting services and other accommodations are provided for Deaf/Hard of Hearing jurors. Jurors with disabilities and those with special needs are encouraged to indicate such on the juror questionnaire. If you have a disability that requires special accommodations to enable you to serve (i.e., interpreter for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing), please contact us at least two weeks prior to your summons date so that the appropriate accommodations can be made to enable you to serve. Contact the Office of Court Interpreting Services via relay at 202-879-4828, or by e-mail at james.plunkett [at] If you need CART (Communications Access Real Time Translation, an assistive listening device, reader, enlarged print documents or general assistance to enable you to serve, please contact the Jurors' Office at least two weeks prior to your summons date at 202-879-4604, by e-mail at JurorHelp [at], or via Live Chat on the Juror Homepage at